Exquisite Expanded Houston Home
by habituallychic
03 . 12 . 20
We are close to being locked down in New York right now. Most museums are closed as well as all Broadway shows. It’s a very uncertain and slightly scary time in the city. I keep thinking about all that I’ve been through since moving here in August 2001 which includes 9/11, the blackout, the 2008 crash, Hurricane Sandy, and countless blizzards and nor’easters. I know we will weather this storm as well but how long it will take is the unknown variable.
I also keep thinking about how people being home is much easier now than it was in 2001. Almost everyone has a computer or laptop and wifi to stay connected and entertained. You definitely couldn’t read magazines online like you can now. I rarely even buy magazines at the newsstand any more. I read them all on Apple News or Zinio although I do try to purchase a copy of Town & Country every month. The April 2020 issue is especially lovely and this project by Redd Kaihoi on the unused third floor of a home in Houston is beyond chic. I love how they painted the long hallway to look like it was tented and used lots of color and pattern in the new guest spaces. Looks like a great place to socially isolate.
To read more about the project and find credits, pick up the April 2020 issue of Town and Country or click here.

Photos by Douglas Friedman for Town and Country.