Dispatch from New York
by habituallychic
03 . 25 . 20
Everyone keeps asking how we are in New York. We’re all just taking it one day at a time. Last week was the most stressful as we all waited for word that the city would receive a “shelter in place” order. I think many people think that means that we are not allowed outside. (If I receive one more “Karen” comment, I swear I am going to lose my mind.) We are allowed to go out to the grocery store and pharmacies and people can go out to walk their dogs and exercise. Any time I go outside, I practice social distancing and stay at least six feet away from other people. Since there is no traffic now, I will walk in the street to avoid other residents. I go to the store about once a week and try to take a walk for fresh air when the sun is shining which is once or twice a week. Those of you who live in suburbs have yards and neighborhoods in which to walk. We have tree lined Avenues and Central Park. You can’t expect New Yorkers who live in small apartments to stay inside for days on end without losing their minds. It’s especially nice to go for a walk now since everything is blooming about three to four weeks earlier than usual thanks to the warm winter weather. It’s also very bittersweet. Spring is when the city usually comes alive with optimism of wonderful things to come. Residents shed their heavy winter coats and turn their pale faces to the warm sun. We’re still doing it now but with heavy hearts and sad faces. I walked by the Central Park Zoo on Tuesday and even the seals looked depressed. I’m trying not to dwell on the things we can’t do or all the events and trips that have been cancelled. I’ve already resigned myself to the fact that my birthday in April will be celebrated on Zoom or sitting six feet away from my friends on a bench somewhere. We’re getting by with silly memes on Instagram that make us laugh so we don’t cry. We’re checking in with all of our friends around the country with messages of, “How are you doing?” We work at home in our loungewear and watch copious amounts of movies and shows while others are baking bread and working out using online apps. We are giving ourselves manicures and cleaning out our closets. Mostly, we are praying that our seasonal allergy symptoms are not Coronavirus while reminding ourselves that this too shall pass.

All photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic