Fresh Start: January 2020
by habituallychic
01 . 02 . 20
Whether you consider it a fresh start or a clean slate, there is nothing better than the beginning of January to plan out what you want to do in the coming year. I personally love a new blank calendar just brimming with possibilities. I like to plan out each month which helps me plan out my year. You should also take some time to set your intentions for 2020 and write them down to keep yourself accountable. If you need some help, my favorite book Write It Down, Make It Happen: Knowing What You Want And Getting It is a great place to start. And keep in mind that it takes three weeks to create a new habit.
I also posted a link to this great article Creating Space Within by Jill Willard from goop two years ago which is full of great advice to “bring in the new.” My favorite is “keep space clear physically” which I’ve already started to do. I dropped off two bags of donations to Housing Works earlier this week and I’m continuing to clean out drawers today.
“Many attribute this to Buddhist or Feng Shui belief, yet it is a theme in many cultures, neighborhoods, religions/societies, and strangely enough, golf courses. When we keep our physical space clear, it’s very helpful for our brains and bodies to feel more clear, organized, or “light”—which in turn is helpful for the mind and body to “see,” feel, and know information clearly. The old adage of “a cluttered room is a cluttered mind” pertains here: There are few things more powerful and productive than clearing out our home (or, at least, bedroom and closet), office desk, old boxes, car, or other living and working spaces. Give “stuff” away and recycle what is no longer needed. If you feel extra daring, you can clear a corner of a room, an entire room or have a clean space outside to begin to sit, meditate, write, or read in silence and visual clarity.” – Jill Willard
Happy New Year!

Large textured-leather shoulder bag

Button-embellished cable-knit merino wool sweater

Cord-trimmed croc-effect leather point-toe flats

Belted cotton-poplin midi dress