Blue Monday: 20 January 2020
by habituallychic
01 . 20 . 20
Every January has a date designated as Blue Monday. It signifies a day when holiday celebrations are over, the weather is cold and dreary, and credit card bills for the gifts are due. It also doesn’t have to be a depressing day if you don’t let it. It’s a bank holiday for many people so go for a nice walk if your weather isn’t too cold. Or bundle up and visit a museum. Stay cozy at home and binge watch shows and movies. Clean out your closet and set aside a pile of clothes to donate to those less fortunate. Go to the gym or take an exercise class. Log off social media and read a book. There are a lot of options to make it a great day.

Pebble pointed toe suede flats

Design by Suzanne Kasler.

Textured leather shopping tote

Croc-effect leather point-toe flats