Badminton House
by habituallychic
11 . 04 . 19
How are you surviving Daylight Saving Time? I love the sunlight in the morning but I had to turn on every light in my apartment at 5:00pm which was depressing. I heard that you should go out in the sun for at least 10 minutes every day for vitamin D and to prevent Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This is a tough time of year for many people so make sure you take care of yourself and check on others.
Hopefully, this post won’t make you sad. I thought I had posted about Badminton House in Gloucestershire, England but I think I just researched the seat of the Dukes of Beaufort after watching On Location with James Ivory. The award-winning director, producer, screenwriter, and co-founder of Merchant Ivory Productions, sat down “to discuss his early love of architecture and the importance of place in his films.”
The Merchant Ivory film The Remains of the Day was filmed in four different houses including Badminton House. They used the house for the kitchen scenes and servant areas because they were the only ones not turned into a gift shop where house tours would conclude.
I’ve included some beautiful photos of Badminton House from House & Garden and images from The Remains of the Day from Small Rooms. Read both of their stories for more information on this historic house and estate. And yes, the house did give its name to the the game of Badminton.