The Maryn by Michelle Adams
by habituallychic
12 . 01 . 16After she left the publishing world of New York, my dear friend Michelle Adams moved to Ann Arbour, Michigan to have a better quality of life. She has been consulting in the design world but now she’s back an exciting new venture just in time for holiday shopping, The Maryn.
The Maryn is an online home and lifestyle shopping site will feature Michelle’s very favorite thing in furniture, housewares, decorative objects, kids items, pet products, and art from around the world. Much of what you’ll find on the site is very classic pieces that will stand the test of time.
Artists Caitlin McGauley, Anna Ullman and Kristi Kohut have also created custom prints for the shop and in addition to their art, The Maryn will be selling a selection of prints from Artfully Walls.
In addition, The Maryn will have a very impressive selection of products that give back in meaningful ways. There are over 14 brands that give back so you can Shop with a Purpose during the holidays and all year long.