Colorfully Chic
by habituallychic
03 . 27 . 16
I can’t think of a better home to post on Easter than one with bright Easter egg colored rooms. It’s also appropriate since many of the furnishings in Todd Alexander Romano‘s New York apartment are up for auction at Christie’s this week. Romano is best known for mixing periods and styles with great success.
“Some of my favorite materials include highly lacquered or fabric-wrapped walls, polished floors, good wool carpets and rugs, interesting and effective lighting and always comfortable seating and custom upholstery. Artwork is another important and personalized aspect of my work, and as you can see from my own home, I mix everything from 17th century works to contemporary works of art together. Everything that I love has always been evident in both my shops as well as in my personal residences.”
If you missed bidding on Cornelia Guest’s collection of Dodie Thayer Lettuce-wear a few months ago, you can try again with Romano’s Dodie Thayer Lettuce-wear Luncheon Set. Perfect for Easter lunch next year. Happy bidding!