Chic Field Trip: The Cloisters
by habituallychic
08 . 17 . 15
When I was living in Paris, I made it a point to visit as many museums and sights as possible. When I returned to New York, I realized that there were a lot of places I still haven’t been to here even though I’ve lived in the city for 14 years. I’ve been making it my mission to explore more of my own backyard. Last week, I visited The Cloisters for the first time and I wish I hadn’t waited so long. It’s an oasis of beauty and calm just outside the hectic city.
The Cloisters is part of The Metropolitan Museum of Art and is located Fort Tryon Park in the Washington Heights section of Upper Manhattan and over looks the scenic Hudson River. The museum and gardens which opened in 1938 are devoted to the art and architecture of medieval Europe from the twelfth through the fifteenth century with help from generosity of John D. Rockefeller, Jr. I felt like I had traveled to another country at The Cloisters.
The real draw for me were the gardens that were buzzing literally with bees who were attracted to the abundant array of flowers. There are actually two gardens where plants are grouped and labeled according to their medieval use. While the gardens are at their height of beauty in the summer, I definitely want to revisit The Cloisters again in autumn when the leaves on the trees of the property and surrounding park are at their most colorful. You can also visit in the winter when the arcades surrounding the gardens are closed in with glass.
If you haven’t visited The Cloisters yet either, I highly recommend planning a trip soon.
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic.