Merci Beaucoup!
by habituallychic
04 . 19 . 14Just want to thank you everyone for the lovely birthday wishes and to my friend Tim for the beautiful flowers above. Since my birthday fell on Good Friday, I celebrated with my friends Thursday night but I might just keep going for a few more days. Bon weekend!
“Every year on your birthday, you get a chance to start new.” – Sammy Hagar
Photo by me via instagram.
Happy belated birthday Heather. What a beautiful bouquet!
Hi Heather!
Happy Birthday! I loved your post on Destination Fabulous (saving it for a future trip) and especially loved the necklace you were wearing in the Plaza Flower shot. Do you mind sharing the source?
I thank you in advance & Bon Birthday weekend,
Lisa Amiri
Thanks Lisa! I linked to the necklace twice in the post.
Happy Birthday!!
happy birthday to you and many more.
Happy Belated Birthday, Heather! xx
Happy belated birthday. Looks like NYC puts on a spectacular display for you each year. Perfect timing 🙂