In the Spring
by habituallychic
04 . 28 . 14The weather in New York still isn’t cooperating but at least the city is looking pretty, especially the Upper East Side.
In the Spring a livelier iris changes on the burnish’d dove;
In the Spring a young man’s fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love.
– Alfred Lord Tennyson
Flowers by Ariston Florist in the Mark Hampton room at the 2014 Kips Bay Decorator Show House designed by Alexa Hampton.
Beautiful landscaping off Fifth Avenue.
The side window of Plaza Flowers at Lexington and 69th Street.
Another beautiful facade on Fifth Avenue.
Heather it is so wonderful discovering the flowers and flowering trees about the city! One of my favorite springtime pastimes!
The Arts by Karena
These pictures capture spring so beautifully!
x Lily