Grey Days
by habituallychic
10 . 09 . 13As soon as the weather turns grey and chilly like today, I start pulling out my grey clothes. It’s become my go since it’s less harsh than black and is the perfect complement to my hair color. As we know, it’s also a popular choice of paint color and plays well with almost every other color. I’m especially loving grey kitchens but as much as love the color, I hope the sun comes back out soon. Enjoy.
all images via tumblr and pinterest
Heather there is not an image here that does not speak to me in a spiritual way. Gray is being pulled our very soon!
Art by Karena
I love grey and I love these images! Great quote from Carolina Herrera. And that kitten! SO cute.
beautiful sailboat
Heather, I LOVE this post!
These tones are so me, so calming and sleek. Brilliant job.
Great layout of grey! Enjoyed your photo arrangement and sneaky pic of Liam Hensworth. Watch out for Miley…haha.
Love From California,
So stunning.. love all these images!!
So, I’ve pinned almost every picture in this post. The colors I’ve noticed I’m attracted to since the seasons changed have been solid, warm colors: garnet, mustard, gold, red, forest green, deep sea blue. But I also love gray. You have me wanting to go out and buy a completely grey outfit to accessorize with a light pink bracelet and earrings now. And, also, pink heels, because you can never have too many heels.
The photographs you chose make your point beautifully: grey is a wonderful color in every context (except in a cloudy sky that just hangs there for days, as we well know here in Portland). I especially like the color of the water and, of course, the kitten, and the first bathroom photograph is going into my remodeling file. Appreciatively, Leslie in Oregon
What a beautiful, inspiring collection of images…especially tje tailoring detail shots. Really lovely.