Back in Stock
by habituallychic
03 . 18 . 13As many of you discovered recently, my book Creativity at Work was out of stock online and in many stores. I am happy to announce that the second printing arrived in the warehouse and Amazon and other sites now have it back in stock. Now that we have more books, I can also start scheduling more book signings. Once they are confirmed, I will announce them.
I also want to thank you all again for the kind comments and messages regarding my book and for your continued support. I really appreciate it!
“second printing” has such a nice sound to it, doesn’t it? Conrats, congrats, Heather. Well done.
Unfortunately for me it’s still sold out here in Sweden, but I am awaiting it eagerly, we have a great Internet bookstore so I guess it won’t be long. How wonderful for you! Caroline
Bought a copy last month.
Loved it from cover to cover.
Inspiring and worthy of placement
on my entry foyer table!
Hope your book signing brings
you to the Tampa Bay area
soon. Maria
Bought your book and love it! I buy a lot of interior design books and yours is one of the best.
Heather from Friendship, Life and Style
Congratulations. We got ours when it first arrived in Philippine shores.
Many kudos to you, Heather, as a first time author (right?)! Quite an accomplishment, and a good problem to have!