Sick Day Substitute
by habituallychic
10 . 16 . 12Of all the scenarios I thought would play out at High Point Furniture Market, getting sick did not figure into the mix. A nasty cold has completely felled me and ravaged my throat. Until I can get it together, I’m leaving you with photos from the townhouse Jeffrey Bilhuber redesigned for Trey Laird and his family. I posted pics of their old home here in 2008 and it was fun to see the evolution. I’m really glad they kept that fabulous fireplace though. Enjoy.
William Waldron for Architectural Digest
Feel better! xo
Love all of it, but especially the green tiger velvet.
Excellent selection of good interiors!
This is my kind of decorating. The colors and antique furniture choices are perfection! Hope that you are getting better by the moment. xoxo Mary
Wishing you a speedy return to good health! Thank you so much for sharing these AMAZING photos…they are absolutely stunning!
OMG! The portrait above the sofa in the Laird Townhouse looks just like ME! (just trying to make you laugh…) Feel better…take some Dayquil or something so you can get out and about.
It’s ten times better than it was in 2008. love it.
those chairs in the last picture look familiar don’t they? only red instead of green -ha!