Bergdorf Goodman Holiday Windows for the Boys
by habituallychic
11 . 30 . 11The Bergdorf Goodman holiday windows at the women’s store get all the attention but those at the men’s store are just as chic. I love it when they use animal heads on the mannequins which is kind of fitting since most men are animals. I jest of course but I do see some similarities. Happy Holidays!
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
Love these, they are really great!
So creative and out of the box!
While windows at other stores might get more attention, I think the Bergdorfs displays are much more creative and inspirational for the season.
__ The Devoted Classicist
These are utterly amazing… almost worth a trip to NYC for this California girl to take a closer look!
Thanks for sharing your wonderful photos.
Oh I laughed at your observation! Glad you added the jesting line. But seriously, these windows are too fabulous. So much imagination.
Men are animals. Proudly.
These are pretty awesome. I love the one with the singer. Hilarious!