Winter in the Adirondacks
by habituallychic
12 . 21 . 10I was thinking how nice it would be to post a something snowy on this first day of winter and magically, the perfect house came to me. APT with LSD on toured the family home of Amanda Brooks in the Adirondacks. Looks like a beautiful place to spend Christmas. For all the details, check out the full story online and don’t miss Amanda’s I Love Your Style website. I’m still sick and definitely going back to bed! Later Skaters!
Photos by Claiborne Swanson Frank
Oh my gosh, this is totally perfect! I particularly love the Santa napkins – what a fab idea!
Much love,
Hannie – Tea and Biscuits
Even sick you manage to put out a lovely post. Stunning cabin and it’s snowing in NH. Feel better Heather!
looks beautiful -but all I can do is think of the spiders hiding in all of that rough wood! YIKES!
Love those cocktail napkins!
SIGH. Now THIS is where I want to be.
Hope you get better soon.Sending you virtual chicken soup.Lovely post.Have a good rest.
These photos are ABSOLUTELY fabulous! That red and black plaid bow….PERFECTION! Thanks!! franki
Awesome Pictures! Broc
love the photos – cocktail napkins…the best! not to be a grinch but just a quick fyi…the link needs a www. to work. Get well soon!
So pretty!
Thta is exactly what we European think about when we imagine a nice place for American holidays in the mountains.
Looks really cosy!
I just adore it! What a remarkable home, so fitting for the snow. Happy Holidays Heather!
My first impulse in connecting NYC and cabins was to remember the cabin that Carrie Bradshaw went to in Sex and the City – it belonged to her boyfriend Aidan and the episode was called “Sex and the Country”.
She might have been more at home here! It looks a bit more her speed!
Feel better!
Dear Heather,
This looks heaven and is so far away from the Christmas we’ll be celebrating here in Sydney!
Missing my beloved Sweden at this time of the year, but the lapping South Pacific Ocean and Summery fun helps wash the blues way! 🙂
Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year. Thank you for all the wonderful posts and inspiration during 2010.
I hope to hear back from you re a potential guest post for Marija Stephen’s family over at Holding Forth.
Be safe and have a fun holiday!
x Charlotta
Thank you so much for the turn on to Amanda’s beautiful blog. Feel better and happy holidays.
Think this would be my ideal Christmas setting. And poor, poor Santa. Sure those were some damn good cookies.
Perfection for a country Christmas -a bit “Holiday Inn” version stylishly cozy today!
Merry Christmas!