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Jolie Laide

by habituallychic

11 . 12 . 10
I’ve always been Team Anniston.  It’s the hair.  So when I found out that Angelina Jolie was on the cover of the December issue of Vogue, I was none too pleased.  There is something about that husband stealing home wrecker that rubs me the wrong way.  I will admit that the photo above by Mario Testino looks pretty fabulous but I think I still might rip off the cover so I don’t have to look at her.  Bon Weekend!

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  1. Christina November 12, 2010 | 9:50 pm

    Haha you are so funny. Yes, I agree. She has behaved in an very unlady like way.

  2. ArchitectDesign™ November 12, 2010 | 9:59 pm

    Team Anniston here as well. I never saw the appeal of Jolie.

  3. Puhvis Kukk November 12, 2010 | 10:02 pm

    Well, he is as much to blame as far as the divorce goes, let’s not forget that. As much as I like JA, she dates Meyer. WTF?
    I don’t like Angelina however for all the blood vials, kissing her brother on her lips etc.

  4. Heidiopia November 12, 2010 | 10:18 pm

    I am soo on your page, Heather! She’s beautiful, but whatever. Jen is my girl. 🙂

  5. quintessence November 12, 2010 | 10:32 pm

    I’m totally with you on this – but not surprisingly, husband finds Angelina somehow appealing.

  6. little augury November 12, 2010 | 10:39 pm

    A Jolie has done nothing countless other women we (as in the collective we) revere. I think she is pretty interesting, something I can not say about your gal. bon weekend!

  7. Gina November 12, 2010 | 10:56 pm

    I am on Team Angelina! You don’t just steal a husband – he chooses to leave. Plus, she’s stunning.

  8. Slim Paley November 12, 2010 | 11:00 pm

    Ha Ha! I’ve always loved that expression “Jolie Laide”- sounds so much more interesting than “Pretty Ugly”!
    It’s amazing how statuesque Angelina Jolie always appears in photographs, when in real life she is so tiny.
    (hmmm…another reason to root for Team Anniston?!)

  9. Muffy November 12, 2010 | 11:19 pm

    Most of the spread pictures I saw were gorgeous, but the cover was pretty bad. The bony & tatted up back was just not attractive with a corset!

  10. Modern Country Lady November 12, 2010 | 11:27 pm

    You warm the cockles of my heart- am totally on team Anniston.I so recognise ripping off the cover so you don’t have to see the person …:-)

  11. Alicia B. Designs November 12, 2010 | 11:30 pm

    I’m totally with you…Team Aniston!

    Alicia B.

  12. Mommy, Esq. November 12, 2010 | 11:30 pm

    Ha ha. I completely agree! Once a home-wrecker always a home-wrecker in my book!

  13. a Broad November 12, 2010 | 11:45 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Fashion Maven November 12, 2010 | 11:49 pm

    Ha! OMGosh I am so with you Heather… Jolie rubs me the wrong way too… something about giving an interview ADMITTING you wrecked a marriage (sure Brad helped) is just skeevy and speaks to a general sense of entitlement that she can do whatever she wants because of who she is.

    Plus, Brad Pitt has never looked so stanky and skeevy since he got with her – I’ll never forgive her for making him look positively UGLY.

    He hasn’t been fine since Troy.

  15. Kit Lang November 12, 2010 | 11:50 pm

    I’m Team Aniston too – I hate that Jolie is gorgeous.

    Immoral harlot!!!!


  16. ..Lucy.. November 13, 2010 | 1:01 am

    FFS. SHE wasn’t the one who was married. Brad was. If there’s someone who behaved badly, it’s most likely him. But in reality we have no idea what happened.

  17. Wings November 13, 2010 | 2:46 am

    I am so pleased you feel the same way about Jolie and have the courage to say it in public.

    I too am an Anniston fan, but it’s not only because of the hair- it’s really because she is honest, fresh, sincere, intelligent and trustworthy!

  18. Toves Sammensurium November 13, 2010 | 8:14 am

    Hahha….love your honesty….and I think we all agree.Jen is so charming and cute,who doesn´t love her…but Brad Pitt that stupid man:/
    But Angelina is one beautiful woman,no doubt about that…and this photo is of course stunning.But what stuns me the most right here is the surroundings….very,very,VERY elegant!
    And here´s a bon weekend to you as well:)

  19. kirbydog November 13, 2010 | 12:03 pm

    There is something odd about Jolie, she looks beautiful in magazines all done up, but I suspect in real life she has some odd habits and may be a bit “dirty & dark”. Jen is a breath of fresh air, by all appearances, and seems so normal and healthy and all American. She’s the one I would want to spend an afternoon with, not Jolie.

  20. currentlychic.com November 13, 2010 | 3:44 pm

    I don’t even follow the Hollywood scene much, but I am so proud of you for calling out a “husband stealer” for what she is. If indeed, that is what she did (I really don’t follow it), then good for you for standing tall on immoral behavior. I love your blog even more!

  21. jones November 13, 2010 | 4:37 pm

    Thank you for being politically incorrect (I thought that I was the only one). Besides, her hands are too big. Mary

  22. Mrs. Marciano November 13, 2010 | 4:44 pm

    I can’t remember who said it but they were right, “Tatooes are the self identification of the lower classes!” She’s a pig, so is he.

  23. kim c November 13, 2010 | 7:41 pm

    Yep, I’m with you. I would definately rather get to know Jen over Jolie. She’s someone we can relate to and I still feel sad about how she was hurt… and all so public. In the end, she’s probably better of without him.

  24. I Dream Of November 14, 2010 | 1:58 am

    Oh Heather, I am right there with you! You said it perfectly! This is probably the first time I haven’t been dying for my new Vogue. I will most likely join you in tearing off the cover!

  25. Ulla November 14, 2010 | 6:32 pm

    amen to that.

  26. Hello Lover... November 14, 2010 | 6:46 pm

    Hahaha this is too funny and too true!

  27. kimberj November 14, 2010 | 11:18 pm

    I will always be Team Aniston. I wish Brad would wake up to what a cheating skankola she is.

  28. The Matters of Style Girls November 15, 2010 | 6:27 pm

    That dress would be a hideous bridesmaids dress on anyone else, but of course it looks amazing on her. I know because I wore something eerily similar, although it had a heart cut-out in the back that Ms. Jolie’s is probably lacking…