NYIGF: Waylande Gregory
by habituallychic
08 . 20 . 10I swear I’m going to wrap up my coverage of the New York International Gift Fair soon but I couldn’t only post about the vintage vendors. One of my absolute favorite booths was Waylande Gregory, and not just because they borrowed their furniture from Flair, my favorite store in New York. I love that their pieces are fun yet sophisticated. They have that chic 1970’s glam style and have now introduced lamps to their collection.
Photos by Heather Clawson for Habitually Chic
I love their pieces…especially the orange bowl with the elephant!
The equestrian goods are terrific. I am going to pass them along to the higher ups of the Gay Polo League. They would love them!
everything is so chic, love the patterns!
You know whenever we shop together I am always MAD for everything they do!