I Am Love
by habituallychic
04 . 14 . 10 One reviewer of the Italian film Io sono l’amore (I Am Love in English) declared “see it by any means possible” and after viewing the trailer, I am terribly upset that I won’t be able to see it until it’s released in the US on June 18th! The story centers on a wealthy Italian family and their resulting reactions to their patriarch’s decision to split his company between his son and grandson. Add in a little adultery, gorgeous cinematography and fabulous fashions (designed by Raf Simons for Jil Sander) and you’ve got yourself some serious aesthetic overload. I Am Love stars Tilda Swinton playing a Russian woman in Italy which has her speaking Italian with a Russian accent. If that doesn’t have Oscar nomination written all over it, I don’t know what does! Oh, and it also stars Marisa Berenson who looks like she’s channeling Nati Abascal! It’s beyond chic! I insist that you watch the trailer so you’ll know why I’m so excited for this film. Ciao!
Oh, this looks utterly fabulous and I have marked my calender to get it somehow on June 18th. Thanks for the great movie reminder……my favorite thing to do.
Thanks for sharing. I love Italy, good fashion and drama, and academy-award winning actresses.
I saw it at a film festival. It’s really lovely. A definite must-see!
Thanks for the post. I’m all for
“aesthetic overload”–
ahh, since I am obsessed with anything Italy, I’m sure I will be with this film, too! Thanks for sharing, can’t wait to see it!
Tilda Swinton is so talented. Its so cool to see her in the stills from this film, b/c typically her style is ultra modern/alternative, and in this film she is so classic. She looks absolutely beautiful.
I featured one of the outfits from the movie on my blog yesterday. I thought the clothes looked gorgeous in the trailer.
A Gift Wrapped Life – It makes me want to hop a plan to Italy so I can see it early!
Christina – It’s got all the goods!
LFo – I’m so glad someone who’s seen it also gives it a thumbs up! It looks amazing!
Barbara – aethetic overload in a good way of course 😉
Shorely Chic – Italy is tops of my travel list for this year. I obsessed too!
Lacquered Life – So beautiful! Her hair makes me want to go out and get a roller set and wear a headband!
Lavender and Lilies – I wish I had seen your post before mine! I was trying to find a shot of that blue shirt and coral pants! That outfit so simple but ridiculously chic!
Tilda Swinton- now there’s an elegant actress- she’s so cool and chic, too. I love her style, on screen and off.
I watched this trailer about a month ago- it’s absolutely divine and leaves you wanting more. Tilda Swinton is one of the greats of this era, she’s incredible. She loves complex roles and it’s great to see her take on something so intriguing. The aesthetic is going to leave us all yearning for a trip or MOVE to Italy. I live in CO and I am bracing myself to be positively depressed by my surroundings for at least a month. Italy…Russia….lusty European fancy romance and money… oh my!
So eagerly awaiting as well. I saw the previews this past weekend & was all aflutter!!!
Tilda’s been a favorite of mine for forever…yup saw Orlando in the theatres.
I’ve never seen Tilda Swinton look so amazing! She looked so dumpy in Michael Clayton and now she is beyond chic. What a gifted actress. I’ll see it just for her performance. Thanks for the heads up 🙂
I’m a Utah transplant and while I miss the East Coast dearly there are many advantages to living here, one being the Sundance film festival, where this film debuted in January. I saw this with my fiance and some friends, and I was the only person who liked it! I am a huge fan of both Tilda and Italy, so maybe that explains it. I found the story line shocking at times but overall fascinating. The clothing and backdrops are marvelous. I highly recommend this movie and will definitely see it again.
Thank you! I, too …I am in love! I can’t wait. Talk about beautiful people, fab clothes, a amazing place..Itlay, and great story line. Great article.
Che bella! Mi piace. Loved the trailer…looking forward to seeing this one…definitely!
Thanks so much for posting … Now I can’t wait either 🙂
This film looks to be amazing. Just the trailer gives me the feeling I had with I first saw “Belle du Jour”. Or some of the great Julie Christie movies.
Thanks for the heads up. Mary
Can NOT wait!!! XXOO