Chic Reads: An Education
by habituallychic
04 . 16 . 10I didn’t realize until recently that the film An Education was actually based on a piece of the same name that appeared in Granta magazine in 2003. That led to a longer memoir by Lynn Barber that picks up where the film leaves off. I am in the middle of reading An Education now and I have to say that I think it’s actually better than the movie. The episode with Simon is only one chapter of her life that is rich with interesting episodes and jobs, one of which was working for Bob Guccione! If you ever wondered what happened to Jenny at the end of movie, then definitely pick up this book! Bon Weekend!
thanks for sharing. i am almost done with my current read and just saw this movie 2 weeks ago. will definitely pick up the book now. 🙂
Sounds like very good weekend reading Heather.
Art by Karena
I have been trying to find Lynn Barber’s memoir since I saw the movie, but no stores in the US seem to carry it. Maybe I will have to buy it online.
Bon weekend to you and happy almost birthday!!! Hope you’re doing something fabulous to celebrate! Can’t wait to learn what bag you treat yourself too—they’re all so glamorous! xoxo katie
loved the movie … and yes, I did wonder what happened to Jenny. will have to put this on my reading list, thanks for the recommendation. (and bon anniversaire!)
I am always looking for good books to read so thank you for sharing!
I loved the film and will definitely be picking up that book. Thanks! x
Oh I might need this for the plane!
Ha! I just started my copy. The movie was good but I wanted to read the book too.
Always looking for a good read! Thanks so much!!
Putting this on my reading list…thanks for the recommendation!
Well helllo my next read & Happy Birthday Heather!!!
Just watched it and loooved it. Will definitely pick this up!