New Year, New You!
by habituallychic
01 . 01 . 10 If you fall asleep in the bathtub on New Year’s Eve, this is probably how you will feel in the morning! As we begin this New Year, I am reminded of a quote from Anne of Green Gables, “Tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet.” But in this case, we have a whole year and more excitedly a whole decade with no mistakes in it yet! It is a great time to think about the bad habits we want to leave in 2009 and what we would like to accomplish in 2010! For some of you, that mean after your head stops throbbing but it’s never too late!
I wrote about Write It Down, Make It Happen in my New Year’s Day post two years ago and I think it’s worth talking about again. I often make lists of the things that I want to do and I think they definitely help me achieve my goals and keep myself on track. This book is filled with the inspirational stories that we can all use to motivate ourselves. Instead of focusing on the negative New Year’s resolutions, it is definitely more fun to focus on the positive things you want to accomplish in 2010.
- I will continue to build my business and blog in 2010. I have a lot of great things in the works for 2010 and I can’t wait to share them with you. I’ve worked really hard for the past two years and it’s nice to finally see some rewards coming!
- I will find a business manager in 2010! I will find someone to help me with the aspects of my business that are better left to an expert! If I was interested in business, I would have majored in it instead of art history. I know where my strengths lie and this is not one of them!
- I will either move to a bigger apartment or get an office in 2010. I have fabric samples overtaking my apartment on a daily basis so it would be nice to more space for them! I have discussed sharing an office with a few other designers so that is another fun option. Working alone is hard for all of us and it would be nice to be able to bounce ideas off another person or just commiserate.
- I will figure out how to have someone help me in 2010. I have a lot of people offering to work for me but as some of you can relate, it’s hard to let go and hard to figure out what to delegate when you have been doing all the work yourself. I don’t think I could ever let someone else help me with my blog but it would be nice to have someone around to return fabric samples or write up purchase orders! Of course, this would be a lot easier with the office!
- I will travel more in 2010! I felt really guilty taking time off in 2009 since I was the one doing everything. If I have help and someone to mid the store, so to speak, while I’m gone, it would be easier to get away. Travel is so inspiring and motivating and I really need to make it a priority!
- I will make money from my blog in 2010! Contrary to popular belief, I don’t make a lot of money off my blog but that is going to change in 2010! I’m making it a top priority!
- I will volunteer more in 2010! I support a lot of charities but I don’t often have time to volunteer in person. It is my goal this year to follow through on my plan to create a Habitually Chic Cares volunteer day where my readers and I can make a difference for a local organization!
- I will take a class in 2010! I keep saying that I am going to take a French class so I can improve my skills and finally become fluent and I hope I can make that happen this year!
- I will not sweat the small stuff in 2010! Nuff said!
- I will be really happy in 2010! I can already tell this is going to be a great year!
As my friends can attest, I am a big proponent of the power of positive thinking and on that note, I leave you with the following quote from Edith Lovejoy Pierce, “We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year’s Day!
Top Image by Pamela Hanson
Happy New Year.
I absolutely love the above image! Where can I find it? Happy New Year to you! Keep up all of the inspiration in 2010!
These are all great goals! I might have to borrow a few from you 🙂
Happy New Year!!
I just wanted to wish you good luck! Seems like you’re on the right track. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!
Excellent post, HC. This is exactly what I needed to read as I begin to compile my resolutions today. I had no idea you weren’t earning an income from your blog as it seems a natural destination for advertisers, etc. I wish you luck, prosperity and, above all, happiness in the New Year!
those are great resolutions! hope you had a wonderful new years!
xo katherine aka. urban flea 🙂
Good Luck, sweetie! Happy New Year!
Great post, Heather. Very inspirational and motivating!! I bought Write It Down, Make It Happen just last week, and I’m already busy setting goals for the year.
All the best achieving your goals in 2010!!
Happy New Year, Heather!
Thank you for all the inspiration and beauty you bring into my life through your blog!
Best wishes for 2010!
cool, my sweet chic! onwards and upwards in 2010!
oh, and when advertisers start flocking to you (and they will)- if some don’t feel a good fit- like doggie diapers or baldness remedies for men- send them my way. i ain’t proud!
i said last new year that 2009 was going to be our year, and in many ways it was, except for the stupid economy spoiling a few financially rewarding aspects. this year, we’re going to have it all, baby!
I love all of your resolutions, I have the same ones for myself too! Happy New Year to you and lots of support from your blogosphere.
Good to see another uplifting list for 2010! Good luck to you, I was not catching zzz’s in the tub last night, but am so looking forward as well to a prosperous 2010!
Happy New Year to you Heather!
Happy New Year! I wish you many successes in achieving your goals in 2010!
Sounds like a great list of ‘to do’s’ in 2010! I think I will need to following in your footsteps…….’write it down – make it happen’ is a fantastic mantra! Thank you
Best of luck to you Heather! I’m sure you’ll accomplish all of this and more. I’m off to the bookstore to pick up a copy of “Write It Down, Make It Happen”! Happy New Year!
XX Kate
Loved this post. This picture, as well as every picture you post, is uniquely beautiful. I always look forward to seeing what will be next. Here’s to a wonderful 2010!
I love your enthusiasm; it is the first step to reaching your goals. Happy New Year.
Heather, all the best in 2010, a great list for all of us!
Good for you for making your list. Best wishes for 2010!
I really love your goals for 2010 and hope you are successful, particularly at making your blog make more money. You certainly deserve it. You put so much time and effort into the site and you should be justly rewarded!
Good luck.
great list! wishing you the best of luck and a very happy 2010 to come.
I love your recipe for growth. The “getting help” power points ring true with me–I simply can’t do it all. 2010 is going to be a great year for everyone in the design arena. Blessings. xo, Mary
Fabulous list of attainable goals!
Wishing you a chic and prosperous 2010!
As a Decorator, I can relate to some of your resolutions! I hope to have someone manage me in 2010…it’s SO hard to find the time to do biz stuff AND create! And I do not like the biz part at all…and yes, it is hard to figure out which part to delegate. I have an asst and she’s great for returns/orders/admin stuff, etc…but running the biz (bookkeeping stuff) needs to be someone else’s job or I need to find someone that does both in Austin! Know anyone here?!
(I agree on the blog writing though…I think that will always have to be our own voice to represent your work/your passions, etc…and it’s such a great creative outlet!)
All the best in the new year…
love your blog,
jvw home
while i don’t make new year’s resolutions, i am an obsessive list-maker. your list here is similar to mine. i have big plans for 2010- i see you do also!
best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous 2010!!
I am also taking classes in French. The only way to understand much of wht I read.
My daughter has had 4 years of french and spent time in Paris. I am tired of not understanding what she is saying to me, haha! Or… maybe I don’t need to!
HAPPY NEW YEAR, and I like your plan for the year!
Last April I left my corporate job and started my own business. A year earlier I had discovered blogging and was inspired by my fellow bloggers to reach for my dreams. You were one of the first blogs I read and presently the only one I still read. I have since abandoned my own blog (too busy) but build them for my clients as one facet of their marketing plans. I have enjoyed sharing in your journey and have always recognized the untapped potential of your blog. I wish you luck this coming year and am happy that all of your hard work is bringing you the success you deserve!
Great post & I will check out that book too! Still not sure what my New Year’s resolution will be but I’m sure some are similar to your goals…blog orientated (although not sure how to make much money from my blog yet). Happy New Year!
Some great goals there HC – hope you fulfill them all! All the best for 2010!
I am right behind you, on your New Years Resolutions, accomplishing the positive, taking a class, and volunteering my time and efforts in causes I believe in.” Giving Back is the new Black!” Thank you for the great share.
WOW! I have to get that book. I just started my blog. It’s still in it’s early stages, but I’m sure that I’ll find my way. Thanks for all the great inspiration in 2009,
Your blog is really very good, so you should reap the rewards! Everything takes longer than you think/hope/want. I think that’s life just making sure you really want it. Great goals, looking forward to reading your blog for another year.
it’s been awhile since i visited HC and returned to find that not only have we blogged about the same books and movie (Carolyne Roehm & Valentino) but that you’ve also typed out my resolutions for me (numbers 1, 5 & 6) … thanks for that! … and for being such a great inspiration. i discovered your blog when i first started my own a year ago and instantly admired your great taste and sweet, positive personality … here’s to even better things for all of us in 2010 …