The Young Victoria: Part Deux
by habituallychic
12 . 19 . 09I normally don’t like to write about the same thing twice but I just saw The Young Victoria tonight and it is amazing! I fell completely in love with Rupert Friend as Prince Albert and wished the film would never end! Emily Blunt is wonderful too! Julian Fellowes needs to make more movies because whatever he touches turns to gold and in this case I think it will be Oscar gold! It’s supposed to be snowy up and down the East Coast this weekend but if you can safely drive to the theatre, you will not be disappointed! I give it two thumbs up!
Can’t wait to see this one!!
I’ve been waiting for this movie to come out. I enjoyed your blog post. Thank you.
I am such a fan of period movies. If for no other reason than the fabulous costumes. I am eagerly awaiting this movie, it looks fantastic.
I’ll be walking to my nearest theater tomorrow!
Period film, check. British accents, check. Emily Blunt, check. It doesn’t take much to please me!
Rupert can be my Friend xx
looks good
thanks for the review
I was looking forward to this movie, now I am really interested…thank you for letting us know it is worth seeing before it comes out on video.
Hi Heather–stay warm and cozy: it is going to be about 75 and partly cloudy here is So. Cal. (just to make you a little envious). Thanks for the review on Victoria and Albert. Mary
Oh, I want to see this flick SO bad. I love Victoria and Emily Blunt. I hope the storyline doesn’t disappoint, but at the very least, it’ll be great eye-candy!
after seeing this post on your blog i made the decision to see the movie! it was lovely…and Rupert Friend is perfect as Albert.
I really want to see this but it’s not playing in a theater anywhere near me!!!
I loved this movie too. I was lucky to see it at the Savannah Film Fest last month. Her outfits were stunning…I compared them to rooms on my blog!