Elizabeth Martin Design
by habituallychic
04 . 05 . 09 It pays to have friends in high places. Elizabeth Martin and Alexandra Wentworth went to boarding school together and when Alexandra needed an interior designer, she turned to her old friend for help. That help led to the cover of the May 2009 issue of Elle Decor! Don’t worry, I’m not ruining anything for you. These photos are from Elizabeth’s website, not the magazine. I really like her style and I look forward to seeing more of her work in the future!
I cant wait to see her work in the next issue.
So inspiring!
Really beautiful spreads – some unusual color combinations (lavender and orange!). Thanks for posting it!
I love the purple and black office space. That with the zebra rug is very chic!
Love it all. Can someone tell me the pattern name of the purple chinoiserie toile in the 3rd photo? Thanks!
Yum, thanks for sharing!
Looking forward to seeing the ELLE Decor spread 🙂
So talented! I love them all especially the one with the luscious purple sofa!
I like the plum and olive/green-grey (or whatever you’d call it 😉 combo. Very moody, very Bronte sisters. 🙂
I love her use of purple…beautiful photos!
Aren’t the colours beautiful? I especially love the grey with orange and the delicate lime. What an eye – thank you for sharing!
Wow -thats the most beautiful use of color I’ve seen in a long time! I can’t wait to see the issue when it comes out!
Oh I love these images. Especially the room where the purple toile is mixed with the zebra. I love it. Perfect combo!
Love the subtle weaving of the colors. Great understated furniture, too. Who manufactured the forged iron center table–itsi magnificent. Thanks.
The colors are stunning! And I love the perfect use of flowers/plants. Everything just goes together so well – without being match-y.
Thanks for the gorgeous post!
The zebra rug and the purple pillow…YUM!
Rebecca June
First, I want to apologize for the delays in responding to comments lately. I have always tried to respond to every comment and email but as I try to run my business, it’s getting hard to juggle everything. So I hope everyone will bear with me as I try to figure it all out. Thanks!
Design Cupcake – Wait until you see the cover! It’s really pretty!
Hello Gorgeous – 😉
Sanity Fair – I love the colors too because they are elegant and not too bright. I might have to try some of them the next time I redecorate or for a client.
Rebecca – that room isn’t in the Elle Decor spread and I think it’s my favorite too!
Style Redux 2 – It looks like Manuel Canovas but there is no credit given.
Suzy – you’re welcome! Can’t wait to see your completed project soon!
Down Comforter – the whole issue is great!
Rachael – they are moved around in the Elle Decor spread. I wonder if the were moved in real life or just for the shoot.
h – love your description! IT’s hard to tell which is which but the living room is painted in Motley by C2 paints and the dining room is Margarita by C2. They are great colors!
Jill – makes me really want to add some purple to my apartment!
Alice – I love the subtlety of the colors!
Stefan/AD – you’ll love it the other photos even more!
High Heeled Foot in the Door – it’s a sophisticated use of color!
Mary – the entry table is by Gregorius Pineo, wwww.gregoriuspineo.com
Pillow Mint – I think I would be very happy in that house!
Rebecca June – that might just be the hot new decorating trend! It’s a great combo!
Very stylish. Being a B&W Photographer myself I love the display of photography. Not sure about the colours in the kitchen, lemon yellow and pinkish tiles? It must be my monitor’s screen.
Brilliant Home Decor – must be your screen. They are really a creamy tan color like the cabinets. The kitchen is actually my least favorite room. I wish it was more traditional with either white cabinets or black. But now I’m just quibbling because I’d still live there anyday!
The Washington Post just did a big spread on Ali Wentworth’s Georgetown home with tons of photos. Here’s the link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/25/AR2009032500881.html
I love the daughters’ room!
The Washington Post just did a big spread on Ali Wentworth’s Georgetown home with tons of photos.
Here’s the link: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/03/25/AR2009032500881.html
I love the daughters’ room!
i love the juxtaposition of the black and white pictures with the pieces of coral reef!
Stunning! Love the tablescape on the console & the plum sofa!
I adore the pics. The color alone makes one want to sing. But it is the restraint of the palette which intrigues me more.
What a great read, I just read the new ED last night cover to cover….my fasvorite was the Godiva chocolate color room!
lamaisonfou blog
the colors in these spaces are wonderful, especially that last lime green.
Hey Everyone, don’t know if my last post made it, just wanted to verifying some of the C2 Paint colors used in Ali’s home: C2 “Wildwood” in the godiva room, C2 Paint’s “Margarita” on the kitchen walls, what looks like “Paper Clip” in the living room first shot, and C2 “Vellum” in the bedroom.
Hope this helps! – Jill