Happy Spring!
by habituallychic
03 . 20 . 09 Even though it’s the first day of spring, winter had other ideas as we awoke to find snow in New York. Hopefully, it’s the last snow of the season! I think I’ve mentioned before that I’ve always loved spring since my birthday is in April. It’s such a happy and optimistic time of the year as everyone emerges from the winter doldrums to enjoy the warmer weather and sunshine. So here’s a spring bouquet of French tulips to herald the arrival of all the good times to come! Enjoy!
It’s grey and foggy here in Los Angeles(though thankfully, not snowing!). I think delaying the sunshine is Spring’s idea of a joke. Cheeky little thing!
I love NYC, but I am not sure I was built to handle that much winter or snow! Enjoy the spring via your beautiful tulips!
i saw that it snowed this morning on TV( i love it , especially in the city ), and yes, spring is here !
you are a shiny springtime babe !
Happy Birthday Dahh-Ling.
It is glorious here in D.C. with camellias, quince, forsythia, and magnolias all in bloom. I love French tulips by the way.
Habitually Chic needs a FaceBook Page!
Happy Spring! Spring is my favourite season too…such a rebirth! Have great weekend.
Your flowers are so pretty!
Hopefully spring weather finds its way to NYC soon!
Happy Spring to you too from rainy Vancouver.
Happy First Day of Spring to you too!!!
how come everybody else’s “happy spring” blog post is classier than mine?
lovely picture, chic
i’ve been a reader for quite some time and just wanted to say that out of all the design blogs i read yours is the most consistent in providing great photos and commentary. Keep up the great work!
NYC residents be warned – when you move to the burbs with your hubby and kids there is a high likelihood that your local deli will NOT have French Tulips – so enjoy!!
They are beautiful! I too am an April baby but I don’t know if that is why it is my favorite season. I just love the newness of everything and all the fresh smells. Unfortunately in LA the changes aren’t as dramatic as they were back east but I still look forward to it all the same!
Love that your flowers are sitting atop a W.H. Auden book. He’s definitely my favorite poet!