“Hot Town Summer in the City”
by habituallychic
06 . 10 . 08
Back of my neck gettin’ dirt and gritty
Been down, isn’t it a pity?
Doesn’t seem to be a shadow in the city
All around people looking half-dead
Walking on the sidewalk, hotter than a matchhead”
This much pretty much sums up how it felt in New York City today. Even in a white sleeveless dress, I was wilted by the time I got to work. I expect this in August but definitely not June! So tonight, I’m going to enjoy my cool air conditioned apartment while eating Haagen-Dazs Extra Rich Light Mint Chip ice cream and reading new July magazines. Hopefully, I’ll be refreshed and ready to write a better post tomorrow! Stay cool!
Can you believe that Summer in The City is my 3 year olds favorite song? Yup, he’s cool!
I hear you! I’m whining about the heat on my post as well – although I much prefer this fab pic you came up with to illustrate it. And you’re right, it’s too hot to think!
I sure don’t miss that weather!!!! 🙂
my favorite dress is the melissa masse luna dress…stylish, cute and this 100% cotton dress would definitely keep you cool during the summer.
90 at 8:15 this morning. yuck.
I know the feeling but I do not DARE complain because I’m in Chicago and Winter will somehow hear me and descend without warning…. which would be infinitely worse!
you’re funny! yep, it’s already 99 here in austin, texas, but we pretty much expect that. stay cool!
Haha. Im not sure if I would want to be in the scortching heat or the rain and snow were getting over here in Seattle!
Im right there with you!! The walk to work is a killer!! This is not June weather!!!!
Hotter than a matchhead?! Ohh yes!!!
Great song!!
Stay cool to you too!!!
I am sending some reasonable-seasonal weather to you from Chicago…just hang on and continue to use your free Lion King fan to keep cool!!
sweat pool
I’m in Atlanta – hot and HUMID outide and yet freezing in my office (I have to wear a sweater inside to keep warm).
I loved the lady’s red shades with her necklace. Hot yes, but still keeping up her appearance.
I have the feeling we’re all going to experience much more strange weather, but if nothing else, it should be interesting.
I’m also in Chicago and a recent humid 90 degrees had me contemplating a move.
When design takes priority, the result is often strange closets.
Whew, not kidding. All I can think about are Italian ices from Little Italy. Eating one of those in an air conditioned room is my idea of heaven right now!
The heat sounds terrible, though icecream makes everything better.
I live in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and we are experiencing the coldest summer in 50 years! I have the heat on at home, and need to wear a turtleneck and a jacket when I go out. What I wouldn’t do for one day of heat so I could wear a white sleeveless dress and sandals.
I’m sure I will change my tune when I head East this weekend to Ontario to visit family.
Stay cool! 🙂
Aack! Is this the beginning of global warming?
ps- Now I will have that song stuck in my head!