Walton Ford seems to be everywhere these days and now he has a new exhibition at the Paul Kasmin Gallery in New York from May 8th to July 3rd. I can’t wait to see his amazing watercolors up close.
According to the press release, Ford’s work depicts animals embodying degrees of personification in the context of isolated historical events with meticulous detail. Transient moments recalled in Ford’s work comment on, in his words, “the cultural history of our relationship with animals.”

“Ford is especially interested in the perceptions of animals by humans as evidenced by documentation. After researching specific stories, Ford offers his interpretation—sometimes exaggerating the animal’s supposed humanness and in other instances, stripping the animal of imposed metaphors, and thereby restoring the candor of the animal’s bestial state. “

Of course, Walton Ford’s work is often compared to the work of artist, John J. Audubon, one of Ford’s many influences, but I don’t think Audubon could ever have dreamed up anything as interesting as Ford’s menagerie. Definitely check it out if you are in New York.
Thank you Habitually Chic!! I will!! :o)
It’s a toss up between the Moose and the Monkey. I have a spot in my house that would be perfect for either one.
as an Audubon collector, I really love Ford’s work. i wish i could see that show!
thanks for posting
Do you think he achieved his aim with this collection? Artist and viewer seldom have the same perception when it comes to interpreting a painting. They are thought provoking and that must induce some satisfaction, for the artist. I’m not sure that the same can be said from this side of the canvas.
Lauren, You’ll have to let me know what you think!
Marie Louise, He also does some amazing birds that may or may not be a part of this exhibition. I think they were my favorites.
My Little Apartment, the best thing about the internet is that it allows you at least see what you can’t visit in person. There are more works online under current exhibitions and artist.
Cloud9, to each his own. Van Gogh didn’t sell a single painting while he was alive so you never know what people will respind to and in what time frame.
One of my first dates with my husband was to a Walton Ford show so his art holds a special place in my heart. It is really interesting work. Glad you like it too! We also have his “Tigers of Wrath, Horses of Instruction” book, which is wonderful. (Though I see the prices it is now fetching on Amazon and don’t think I am not tempted to auction it)!
BA, What a great first date! If I found a man who wanted to go to museums and galleries, I’d marry him too!
It’s really a shame that the new Taschen book is so expensive. I hope they publish a cheaper version at some point.
it’s sad when i can’t even afford a book on an artist!
love his work- pretty and disturbing- what a great combo!
Maison21, I hope the expensive art book trend ends soon. If you can’t afford the art, you should at least be able to buy the book. It’s really not fair.
i like when art makes my eyes get big and wide, i start smiling (really excitedly) and then “DUDE!” bursts from my mouth. i of course don’t mean to shout “DUDE!” but that seems to be my compulsive shout when i love a piece. (inner child, i’m guessing) seriously, how much???? i just saw some neat canine posters at the vet… maybe i’ll splurge on getting them framed for a “man-kitchen” sigh
Love the Rhino! The thing I like most of W Ford’s works is the unexpected scale of the paintings. They’re huge. I’m thinking of the moose in Tory Burch’s NY apartment
Is there anywhere one can buy large prints? I only see mention of original watercolors. Would love a really large something but not for 20k *yet*
Thank you so much for introducing me to such a talent. While I find the undertones disturbing, isn’t that what art should do? It gave me the idea for a post just published with retribution to you of course. Talent will out.
He currently has a show in Berlin. I can’t remember which one. Breath taking talent and the words that accompany the pieces are so interesting, its a shame that it is not part of the art book.