Wedding of the Year
by habituallychic
02 . 21 . 08If you live in New York or follow the society pages, then you’ll know how obsessed everyone has been over the photos of Lauren Davis’s recent wedding to Andres Santo Domingo in Colombia. Well, the wait is over. Vogue has published the exclusive photos by Arthur Elgot in the new March 2008 issue. It was a lavish affair and her couture dress designed by Olivier Theyskens and embroidered by Lesage was magnificent. It was certainly fun to peak at how the other half lives.
Also in the same issue was a small article congratulating Thelma Golden, the director and chief curator of the Studio Museum in Harlem and designer Duro Olowu on their recent nuptuals. The two quietly tied the knot at City Hall with Ms. Golden wearing a dress designed for her by Olowu which to me sounded so romantic. Sometimes the simplest things are the sweetest.
Ms. Davis registered for her wedding at Charlotte Moss which impressed me since the shop is chock full of one of a kind and classic gift ideas. I’m also pretty sure she doesn’t need anything from Crate and Barrel. But it got me thinking about gift registries and how most of the ones I’ve seen depress me. I honestly don’t know if I will register when the time comes. I will probably have everything I need by them and I don’t particulary think I want to remember my special day with a toaster. It’s not very romantic.
I have many lovely artsy and creative friends who I would love to see surprise me by creating their own special gift. How about a vintage book inscribed with lovely sentiments or a poem which will remind me of them every time I open it. Or pillows made from fabric that they specially designed and inside which are sewn special wishes for the couple. Maybe someone whose hobby is pottery could make a vase and imprint the wedding date on the bottom. (I don’t know if I know anyone who throws pots so maybe someone should start taking classes now.) If someone’s not creative they could pick up a special gift on a trip and write a note explaining why they chose it and the meaning behind it. You get the idea.
The moral of my story is that the next time you are invited to a wedding, I hope you will think outside the box and chose a gift from the heart and not the registry. I also hope that brides who receive gifts off of their registries will appreciate the thoughtful gesture because no one needs another toaster…especially since they shouldn’t be eating carbs anyway!
Thanks for the heads up! That dress is HUGE and she isn’t that big!
You will die when you see how skinny she looks in the magazine! This is also the ceremony dress. She also has a feather dress for the party that was very pretty.
Wow! The dress is amazing. How did she walk??
Rebekah, I think I read that she said it was very light.
The dress is pretty amazing. I’m with you on the wedding present idea – even though I did have a registry a good friend of mine made us a mosaic lined bowl with the date and details on the bottom. Unfortunately for us, the courier who delivered it paid no attention to the fragile stickers and it was broken beyond repair. It was a lovely idea though 🙁
HC—Can’t wait to pick up the new issue of Vogue and see the pictures. Love the teaser. On the issue of registries I must disagree. Please do not encourage people to go off on their own. I once thought like you but after being married and writing a gazillion thank you notes, my mind is changed. While I am sure I would have adored anything you picked out, many people make truly poor choices when left to their own devices. Do you really have enough silver, china, and crystal? While my mother’s best friend gave me a divine set of antique plates that thrills me , I feel terrible and terribly ungrateful that the Steuben panther hand cooler someone spent much money on still sits in its box. I would have rather another champagne flute.
Suzy, maybe it’s not the best idea I ever had!
Anonymous, I see your point. I was thinking maybe I would just register at one place for nice china and silver. I’m not very matchy matchy though so maybe I would pick out different complimentary patterns for each size plate. Come to think of it, I could maybe use a KitchenAid Mixer. Oh, who knows what I’ll do when the time comes!
Wait til you, too, receive a hollow ceramic deer.
I am absolutely speechless looking at this gorgeous photo! And I loved reading about your fantasy wedding gifts from creative friends.
That’s why I’ve given you a “make my day” award.
Check it out on my blog!
i am BEYOND excited to finally see these pictures. i have always been so intrigued by lauren davis and her social rise.
I’ve always dreamed of someone starting an online consortium of local boutiques where couples could register, say, in New York…or Boston, instead of just Neiman Marcus. You’d get all your favorite items from a whole city (or country) – even antique stores (like Andie McDowell did in Four Weddings and a Funeral). Something like a Refinery29 could do this, but it would need to be on a grander scale with interiors gifts. Perhaps Domino should take on this project and work with all their great city guide store picks!
Also! I’ve recently come across the highly disturbing trend of spouses giving each other MONEY at Christmas. If I ever marry someone who doesn’t know me well enough to do more than cut a check, I think a divorce (or a good, stern conversation) would be in order. I really think that if you listen to anyone for more than five minutes, you could get them a dream gift. We all offer clues about our wants and dreams and nostalgic memories. I think we design bloggers should band together to encourage really thoughtful gift giving at all occasions!
And yes — Lauren is a RAIL! (Wish they’d chosen someone besides Drew for the cover, though…I think she’s adorable, but don’t really understand the sudden obsession with putting her in ads and on the front of the second most important issue of America’s technically most important fashion magazine).
Kids Got Hitched, Maybe the creative friends can pick their own gift and the non-creative have to stick to the list 😉
Bayou Contessa, Thank you! That made MY day! You are so sweet! I have to finish a big project at work and then I will make up my list and post later. So fun!
Hollister, Great idea! I’m sure there are great little shops in other towns I don’t even know about too. Maybe we can work on it.
Hollister, I just saw your other comment. I’ve never heard of couples giving each other money. Is this what I’m in for someday?! I still wear the beautiful rings that my college boyfriend gave me for Christmas and my birthday. I look forward to passing them down and telling the stories of where they came from. Is no one nostalgic anymore? Geez.
About Drew, I’ve learned that all covers are now based on who has a movie or project to promote. It’s sad but true. Makes me actually miss real models.
That photo is beautiful! It reminds me of the Cecil Beaton portraits.
I love the dress and hope it ends up in a museum, something that beautiful is meant to be see and shared.
Thanks for posting it.
H.H.H., what a grand idea and very elegant solution.
Any angels out there willing to finance a sure hit?
I agree on the registry idea. Gifts which are individually chosen mean so much more – for any occasion. (I rarely choose from the registry. Good friends deserve more from you than that!)
And can I just add that if Arthur Elgort was available to take my photographs, I would consider for a mere moment the institution of marriage!!!
Is anyone else thinking “Vermeer Painting” Not only a stunning dress, but the photo composition is so beautiful!
Cindy, I wonder what will happen to the dress. Perhaps it will end up at The Met someday!
Alice, I was just thinking that I want a small wedding of only closest friends and family so hopefully they will know what I would like. I think it’s when you have a huge wedding where strange gifts are received.
I don’t know what’s more exciting, having Arthur Elgot photograph it or having it featured in Vogue. The rich are certainly different than you and me!
Katie, I do see the similarity! That yellow is what does it! Good call!
The photos from this wedding are lust-worthy. Thanks for letting me know about it. I ran right out and bought my own Vogue to have them in hand.
Love that she registered at the Townhouse.