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Something for the Boys

by habituallychic

12 . 16 . 07
Since I normally write about girly things, I thought it might be fun to suggest some holiday gift ideas for the men in your life and for the few men who read my blog put on their wish list. You know who you are. But I have to say, I think some of these items are so great that the ladies might want to buy them for themselves. Why should the men get to have all the fun?!

I almost got a hernia when I tried to lift Legends of the Open Road: The History, Technology and Future of Automobile Design off the shelf at Rizzoli. I’m not sure if they made it extra heavy to appeal to men but it’s worth the heavy lifting. It is one of the most beautiful and informative automobile coffee table books on the market. Buy it and take your time drooling over the vintage car of your dreams. Just make sure your arm muscles are ready first!

Leica bills their D-Lux 3 Digital Compact Camera as “creative freedom for unforgettable pictures.” Leica cameras are old-school, especially the black version, discreet and expensive! Leica has also attained a legendary cult status in the photography world and rightly so. The company finally succumbed to pressure to go digital but this isn’t your run of the mill point and shoot digital camera. Leica is the camera for someone who wants to create art instead of just taking photos. You’ve been warned!

The Jack Spade No Mas Tote Bag is a cheeky gift for the man who has everything and also a warning to those who think they are hip that skulls are so dead. It is also much more interesting and stylish than those awful black computer bags that most men carry. I say No Mas to those as well!

Now this is something that everyone should have in their possession. The Ultimate Hammer Tool from The Container Store includes a hammer, pliers, wedge, scissors, knife, saw, file and Philips head screwdriver and comes in a handy dandy carrying case and only costs $14.99! Now that’s what I call the ultimate stocking stuffer!

For the man who loves music and wants to read about what it would have been like to live the ultimate rock and roll life, there is the Complete Clapton CD and Clapton: The Autobiography the latest releases from legendary guitarist Eric Clapton. But if Clapton isn’t someones cup of tea, there is always the much appreciated iTunes Gift Card. It’s a gift that keeps on giving!

The problem with portable speakers is that there really not that small or portable. Especially to an overpacker like me. These Cardboard Speakers from Muji really are lightweight and collapsible and can be folded away and placed in the included pouch when not in use. They are also a simple and chic way to listen to your favorite tunes away from home.

My biggest pet peeve is men’s dress shirts that are big enough to double as a tent. If men had any idea that a slim fitting shirt would also make them look slim, you think they would go for it right? But no such luck. So why not take them to one the best custom shirtmakers in the New York, Seize sur Vingt. They also are one of the only stores to offer made to order cashmere sweaters. He’s worth it. And while you’re there, pick up a little something for yourself. They have great women’s clothes. Because you’re worth it too!

Comments Closed

  1. Brilliant Asylum December 17, 2007 | 12:35 am

    The “No Mas” bag is hysterical. I wish I knew a man who would tote such a thing. (Just one of the downsides to living in the South).

  2. Habitually Chic December 17, 2007 | 12:42 am

    I sure sign of a male decorator in New York is the requisite tote bag. I haven’t seen the No Mas version yet but the LL Bean boat and tote is very popular.

  3. maison21 December 17, 2007 | 2:09 am

    hey brilliant-

    maybe i’ll work the tote bag, and send you a photo- i think it’s pretty hi-sterical! i think i also might need to post a picture on my blog of the smiley-face skull and cross bones sweater from h&m, i recently bought for a friend’s baby. almost as ironic as the tote.

    and chic-

    thanks for a post for us boys! love the photo at the top of the post- such old school glam. and i’m adding seize sur vingt to my list of shops to visit on my next trip to new york. muji was already on that list (though i have feeling muji is more my price point, rather than seize sur vingt. still, a splurge on custom isn’t ever a bad thing…)

    i dream of a leica digital- so much more stylish than anything else on the market. and it’s always about style, but alas in this case, style is just too expensive to justify for moi as i can barely manage to use my current canon point and shoot!

    good choices, chic!

  4. Mélanie December 17, 2007 | 11:40 am

    I went to the site of 16 sur 20 . I love it . And I love it for women also ..Have you seen their wonderful dresses??

  5. Habitually Chic December 17, 2007 | 2:04 pm

    Maison21, I forgot to mention that Seize sur Vingt sells ready-to-wear shirts too. They sometimes have great sales. The next time you are in town, you have to check out all the stores in Nolita. They are all so great!

  6. Habitually Chic December 17, 2007 | 2:06 pm

    Melanie, I love their women’s shirts but I don’t remember seeing dresses. Their online store is down now so I’m going to have to check back later. I am a sucker for a cute dress!

  7. Easy and Elegant Life December 17, 2007 | 4:40 pm

    If I recall correctly, you can actually customize your Leica — mine is cognac leather and silver chrome… well, the one I dream about anyway.


  8. Habitually Chic December 17, 2007 | 5:39 pm

    Easy and Elegant, Thanks. I’ll have to check that out. I wonder if it’s just for the regular cameras or the digital as well.

  9. Easy and Elegant Life December 17, 2007 | 8:39 pm

    I know it’s for the M7 or M8. So I believe digital? My mocked up version ran about USD$5,000… hence it’s being my dream camera.”

  10. katiedid December 17, 2007 | 10:39 pm

    OK – I bought the Eric Clapton book for every guy I know. I’m reading it when my husband is done. 🙂

  11. Jacqui O December 18, 2007 | 12:32 am

    Re mens “large” shirts – men always choose the large label no matter what size they actually are while women of course want to squeeze into the smallest. Just another example of the difference in the sexes!! C’est la vie.

  12. Habitually Chic December 18, 2007 | 12:38 am

    Easy and Elegant, I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! The digital camera I featured is in the $500-600 range. Not cheap but a bit more reasonable!

  13. Habitually Chic December 18, 2007 | 12:38 am

    Katie, I bought the Eric Clapton book for my father since he loves his music. I hope he likes it!

  14. Habitually Chic December 18, 2007 | 12:41 am

    Jacqui o, I was going to say in my post that American men are notorious for wearing oversized shirts but then I thought I would get a bunch of nasty comments from Anonymous. But I will say that European men know the elegance of a slim fitting shirt. I think The Sartorialist can back me up on that one too 😉

  15. gloucestermary December 18, 2007 | 2:55 am

    For everyone who loves the Leica but doesn’t want to pay the big bucks check out the Lumix from Panasonic…which has a Leica lens. It too is digi but is not too expensive. It’s quite small and comes in great colors (mine is navy blue.) I have the DMC-FX07. Cory Doctorow of Boing Boing fame had it at a conference I attended at the NYPL and I figured if it’s good enough for him, it’s good enough for me.
    PS…thanx for keeping THE KINGS OF HOLLYWOOD alive. My dad (who took the pic) would love your blog! Happy Holidays!

  16. Kay December 18, 2007 | 1:19 pm

    The photo of Gable, Heflin, Cooper and Stewart has forever been by favorite shot of Hollywood glamour. There is no way that Clooney, Pitt, and whoever could ever match it!

  17. Jane Flanagan December 18, 2007 | 7:00 pm

    I just got the black Digilux (tho I am a girl!). I love it and couldn’t bring myself to buy a big old Nikon or Canon digital SLR that I’d have to cart around and couldn’t inconspicuously (and stylishly) whip out of my purse at a whim. Ahhh Leica!