Charlotte Moss Townhouse – Part One
by habituallychic
08 . 13 . 07
As a treat for all my new blogger friends, I decided to visit the new Charlotte Moss Townhouse. I have been reluctant to do so until recently since they are a competitor and also because I interviewed with them this past spring and have just barely recovered from the experience. I won’t go into all the details but it involves interviewing with a horridly rude man. I knew the minute I met him that I wasn’t getting the job and I was right. But I decided to put my bitterness aside and take a walk over. Actually, I stopped by Saturday after visiting Barney’s but they were closed. If you plan to visit, keep in my that they are observing summer hours until August 31st. I saw a man get out of a cab and almost cry because they were closed so plan ahead.
I wanted to hate the townhouse after my bad interview experience but I LOVED it!!! It’s sooo beautiful! There is so much too look at that I almost had sensory overload! Everywhere you looked there was something even more spectacular! The photos here are just from the first floor! I tried to take as many photos as possible without getting into trouble since I was actually asked by one employee not to take photos but in the name of journalism, I snuck a few more. Shhh!

They had a wonderful shell display on the left side. The amazing thing about the store is that EVERYTHING is for sale! It’s like walking through a friend’s house and being able to buy all her fabulous things.

Thank you so much for the post! I have been very curious about the Charlotte Moss store, and will visit it when I go to NYC this fall.
Wow! I have been meaning to go as well but was a afraid of feeling overwhelmed – now I know I will feel overwhelmed but you made me want to go!!! 🙂
You can take photos?? Usually designers and showrooms don’t – at least at the A&D.
I was actually asked not to take photos so I snuck most of them. It was worth it to show everyone. The townhouse is sooo amazing. I wanted to buy everything but unfortunately most everything was very expensive. It’s worth the trip!
You sneaky thing! And thank God. Someone’s got to let those of us who can’t get to NYC know what gorgeous things are in there! Thanks for the post:)
Habit: omg, thank you my child! How sweet of you to risk seeing the horrid man again. Was it the president of CM from Houston that you interviewed with? Do tell one day your story! Which you probably won’t but omg I’m dying to hear it. One thing, the drawing of the townhouse looks nothing like the real thing, right? What gives with that? Thanks again for these posts! IT is the most wonderful thing on the blogosphere right now in my opinion, without a doubt, wonderful!!!
Thanks Joni! I can’t go into complete detail about the interview but he was a man who works in NYC. I had an interview with him and the Director of Communications at the same time. That was bad enough but then he was just so rude and obnoxious. I found out later that HE was the reason the girl who’s postion I was interviewing to take was leaving. I just kept thinking about that old line, “you are the company you keep” and was surprised that Charlotte Moss would work with someone like that. Whenever you invite someone into your home or office, it is your job to be gracious and make them feel welcome. Obviously, it reflects poorly on his upbringing and frankly, I think he should be ashamed of himself!
I’m still drooling over these pictures, and I’ve been there! I can’t stop looking at all of the details 🙂
Count it a blessing that you didn’t get the job. There is absolutely no excuse for rudeness!
But good for you for braving it and going back. thanks for the photos in these two posts.
Thanks for sharing the photos with the rest of us, what a beautiful shop!